Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Massage and PGO Guide Training Begins

Richmond, California

Got a massage for the first time last week. First time I've ever paid for one from a professional. They offer them for a $1/minute and I had to take advantage. I could spend at least $10 right? I asked Galina, the massage therapist, if she would focus on my shoulders and neck because thats where I tend to get knots. By the end of the ten minutes, I felt loose and tingly in that area. My favorite part was when she pulled on my arms and shook them. That felt goood. Galina said I have a lot of tension in my shoulders and neck. That didn't surprise me. I think they may be what triggers  my migraines. You know whats weird, earlier today, I felt stressed and sleepy over small things that seemed to have piled up. After the massage, I felt pretty relaxed and less grumpy. I must hold the stress in my body. Especially the shoulders and neck. I'd like to find out what a full body massage will be like. Its around $100 for a full hour full body.... hmmm.... I'll have to look into it and research it...
On another note, I started my Guide Training with Project GO. So far, its been awesome! The story to come after I complete training.

1 comment:

  1. oh wow you are so brave i've never paid or gotten a real massage before. well, I guess a girl on the mission in one of the ysa wards was a massuse (sp?) but mm yeah i have gotten a hydro massage once for free around tax day..yours sounds so relaxing even tho it was only 10 min!
